Send Flowers to Anyone, Anywhere – Local Florist with a Nationwide Reach
5412 Norwood Avenue Jacksonville FL 32208 | Phone: (904)764-4043
Remember a loved one with elegance and grace by sending our peaceful lavender and white arrangement in a classic cylinder vase. The freshest roses, snapdragons, alstroemeria, carnations and more are gathered by our florists to offer a tribute to a beautiful life.
Graceful lavender and white arrangement of roses, snapdragons, alstroemeria, carnations, daisy poms, mini carnations and monte casino, gathered with variegated pittosporum and spiral eucalyptus
Hand-designed by our expert florists in a stylish clear glass cylinder vase wrapped with a Ti leaf ribbon; vase measures 6"H
Appropriate for the service or the home of friends and family members
Large arrangement measures approximately 16"H x 17"L
Medium arrangement measures approximately 15"H x 16"L
Small arrangement measures approximately 14"H X 15"L
Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties, and vase may vary due to local availability