Send Flowers to Anyone, Anywhere – Local Florist with a Nationwide Reach
5412 Norwood Avenue Jacksonville FL 32208 | Phone: (904)764-4043
Long-stem pink roses are just the gift when you want to express yourself with all the grace, sophistication and elegance they deserve--and more. Give fresh romance and passion with this beautiful, hand-crafted arrangement of premium long-stem pink roses.
* Our florists select one dozen of the finest, freshest long-stem pink roses and arrange them by hand with fresh gypsophila in a classic glass vase.
* Available in bouquets of 1 dozen and 18 stems.
* 18-stem arrangement measures approximately 22"H x 18"D.
* 12-stem arrangement measures approximately 22"H x 15"D.
* Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties, and container may vary due to local availability.