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5412 Norwood Avenue Jacksonville FL 32208  |  Phone: (904)764-4043

Teleflora's Blooming Fall Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Bring the beauty of the outdoors in with this wildly wondrous bouquet of blooms, featuring the classic hues of autumn arranged in a hand-glazed, food-safe ceramic pitcher for years of enjoyment. This blooming bouquet includes orange spray roses, orange gerberas, white alstroemeria, maroon miniature carnations, bronze button spray chrysanthemums, bronze cushion spray chrysanthemums, grevillea, seeded eucalyptus, and autumn transparent oak leaves. Delivered in Teleflora's Fields of Fall Pitcher. Orientation: All-Around VASE This beautiful fall pitcher is both charming and useful, guaranteed to be a treasured décor piece for years to come. FDA-approved to safely serve and store food and available exclusively from Teleflora.

Teleflora's Blooming Fall Bouquet



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